After two full years of deliberation, I recently resigned from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. I had been a member for more than a decade, almost half of it as an Adept. I had been struggling with this decision for two years, after I had a falling out with my mother temple in early 2019. At the time, I exercised my right as an Adept to unaffiliate with that temple and continue on my Path as a solitary practitioner. But in doing so, I felt adrift. I had effectively lost not only my chosen family of 10 years, but all of the people in my life I held dear who spoke my own native spiritual language. I had already experienced the Golden Dawn tradition elsewhere, first initiating into a different Order back in 2005, and anyone can walk that Path alone if they so choose--so my resignation didn't mean that I couldn't pursue my own spiritual journey anymore. But my chosen family was irreplaceable, as was the experience of doing lodge-style magic wi...
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